Tuesday 21 February 2017

Helping you reach your zero waste goals with our Industrial Recycling services!

If you are a company owner you have most likely already looked into practices for better waste management. There are many effective ways for recycling and reusing the waste that comes from your company. If you hire professionals that offer industrial recycling services you will definitely cut down all the waste that goes to the landfills. In many cases, industrial recycling companies can recycle over eighty percent of the industrial waste that their clients create. By implementing quality techniques for waste management, the space in landfills will be saved while the recyclable products will be used again in the future. That way you will not only help the planet, but you will also save a significant amount of money.

Regardless of whether your plan is to completely eliminate waste or want to reduce it, the professionals you hire will present you with numerous programs for waste recycling and reusing. By working together with professionals, you can easily find different valuable opportunities from the waste that comes out of your company.

Today the recycling programs are not as they once used to be. In older times, washing as well sorting the recyclable products into piles required lots of effort, money and time invested from the businesses. But today it is much easier than that. All of the industrial processes produce some kind of waste, and most of this waste can be recycled and reused again. A waste management company that has the industrial recycling as its specialty can help your company reduce waste, recycle and later reuse the industrial waste.

So what other benefits come with industrial recycling services? First of all, your company can save lots of money by lowering your material and disposal costs, as well as other expenses. The specialized waste management company can give you good advice about what practices you should use for reducing the waste that is generated from your company. That way you will spend less money on disposal of waste.

Industrial recycling protects the natural resources of the planet by lowering down the demand for fresh materials. Recycling also contributes towards conservation of energy by decreasing the gas emissions. It also helps in decreasing the wide demand for certain products that require lots of energy invested. Interesting fact is that by recycling only one ton of steel, there is no need for mining over twenty-five hundred pounds of iron ore and fifteen hundred pounds of coal.

Besides helping your company to become more environmental-friendly and saving money, industrial recycling will make your company more reputable among the customers and potential investors. People love to get aligned with companies that care about the environment and want to use products from a company that does its best to protect Earth`s valuable natural resources. If your company follows different programs for sustainability, like the industrial recycling program or the zero-waste initiative, you may also get a chance to become part of many specialized programs and other certifications. These programs can open gates for your company for other business opportunities and investments. 

Monday 6 February 2017

I Global’s data destruction services for hard drives and cell phones

The increased use of computers, cell phones and other tech gadgets in our homes and offices has opened up one serious issue. Namely, the number of sold electronic devices I increasing, but so is the amount of obsolete electronic equipment. Of course, hard drives and cell phones are some of the most common pieces of obsolete equipment of this type. It’s good to point out that we are not talking only about ecological issues – we are also talking about data security. As we all know, these devices and hard drives usually contain important information like personal information, debit and credit card information etc.

When companies and individuals are getting their old equipment prepared for recycling they are using the conventional methods of deletion. However, what many people don’t know is that this data can be easily recovered. This is where I Global’s data destruction services for hard drives and cell phones come into the picture. We provide safe and efficient data destruction. This is one of the most important services in our offer used by many organizations.

I Global’s data destruction services for hard drives and cell phones are provided to our clients so we can protect their interests and ease their job. In fact, every activity we have is focused on protection of our clients from possible liabilities and damage caused by inadequate management of sensitive data. I Global takes this problem very seriously and you can rest assured that the hard drives and cell phones you provide will be managed in a proper way. We can perform this specific activity in two different ways. First of all, we can format the hard drive. Our company relies on the instructions and directions provided by the Department of Defence when it comes to hard drive format. This is an ideal solution in case the hard drive (or cell phone) is working just fine and you want to resell them or donate them. Our activities won’t harm the hard drive or cell phone in any way.

The other method uses electromagnetic fields for complete wiping of data. Once the procedure is finished the device cannot be used again. One of the main benefits of relying on I Global’s data destruction services for hard drives and cell phones is the opportunity to use all the modern solutions for this purpose. For instance, at I Global, we are prepared to collect your unused gadgets from your site, completely remove the data storage media or hard drive disk from it and erase the data forever. In the end, we will shred the cell phone or hard drive and get the most from it with the help of recycling.

Finally, our recycling service can process any kind of hard drive and cell phone and extract the valuable materials found in them. The basic goal is to prepare them for reuse. The potentially hazardous materials are carefully extracted and stored.

Call I Global whenever you need a safe data destruction service provider. 

Monday 16 January 2017

Medical Equipment Recycling in Orange County

One of the many problems of the modern world is the fact that there’s an overflow of new equipment, created on a daily basis. This means that the problem arises with the old equipment. What do we do with it? The space that we have is limited. Natural resources have the trait of being able to rot away in a given time, and “become one” with nature again. But man-made resources, such as heavy machinery, don’t have this trait. So, how should the good people of Orange County, California, deal with this problem that, if unchecked, may eventually ruin the environment?

Luckily, there is indeed a solution so as to how to solve this problem, and deal with the old devices that we have – medical equipment included – in a way so as to be beneficial for the health of the environment. And this comes in the form of medical equipment recycling.

We mentioned the fact that man-made resources have a tendency to rot away really slow, and to be in need of a time span of perhaps thousands of years before they rot away and degrade fully. But we’ve neglected to mention the fact that some of these resources are outright toxic for the environment. This goes out especially for medical equipment. Medicine frequently deals with chemicals that may cause havoc in the environment if they are not handled properly after use. Also, old medical equipment includes used syringes, bandages, and first aid equipment, and these can be really detrimental for a person’s health if he’s in contact with them after their use.

So, if you happen to live in Orange County, California, and if you’re dealing with medical waste that you need to remove as soon as possible, we recommend you to immediately contact iGlobal Asset Management. This is a company that specializes in recycling old equipment, and they will know how to handle your old medical equipment in a safe and ethical way. After the process of recycling is done, you won’t ever have to worry again about what to do with your old medical equipment, and how to handle it properly without causing havoc in the environment and in public health.

Moreover, the constant creation of new equipment requires the use of precious raw materials, taken from the earth’s supplies. Well, these supplies are limited, as you know, and there will come a day when they will be fully depleted, sooner or later. With recycling we can tackle this problem effectively, and diminish the need for the creation of new equipment, because now parts of the old equipment can be reused – as this is the core principle of recycling.

So, people in Orange County, rejoice! There is now a way in which you can deal with your old medical equipment appropriately. You may have thought that you could deal with it by plainly throwing it out. We hope that this article will have convinced you otherwise, and will have made you aware of the benefits of medical equipment recycling.

Monday 9 January 2017

What do we do with electronic waste?

The problem of electronic waste, or e-waste as it’s commonly known, is getting bigger by the day. The unprecedented technological advancement of our times has caused the top-notch equipment of today to need to be replaced by an even better equipment tomorrow. This poses the problem of removing the obsolete equipment. The solution sounds simple enough – just throw it away. But is this right?

Well, if you throw away electronic equipment, you risk it to ruin the environment. Most of the electronic equipment that we have nowadays, has a toxic level of hazardous substances. These are then left to degrade by themselves somewhere. These hazardous substances leak out in nature, and cause havoc. This is why it’s important to not just simply throw away our old electronic equipment.

So, how can you get rid of the e-waste without ruining the environment? Well, there are several ways. First of all, if you have equipment that’s old and needs to be replaced, but the old equipment is still functioning, then you can give this old equipment to a person that might need it. For example, you might have a neighbor that’s in need of a laptop, and if he won’t mind that it’s an obsolete laptop that you have in your household – then it’s best that you give it to him. In this way, he won’t have to buy a new laptop, saving money in the process, and you won’t have to throw your old laptop away and ruin the environment. Everyone wins.

If you have no such neighbors, you can give your old equipment to a school in your area. Most schools in the US are, sadly, in desperate need of equipment. Chances are they will find use for your old equipment. You might think that handing your old equipment to other people and organizations is somewhat condescending, but we assure you that this isn’t the case at all. One man’s thrash is another man’s treasure, and this may very well be the case with your old equipment that might be put into good use by the schools.

And if there are no schools and neighbors that might need your old equipment, then you could ask around. Perhaps there are some hospitals in need of electronic equipment, perhaps there are some other places as well. This will be a lot more nobler way to get rid of the old equipment, than simply throwing it out at the dumpsters.

SOURCE: https://www.igassetmanagement.com/blog/what-do-we-do-with-electronic-waste

Monday 12 December 2016

E-waste Recycling is a Major Global Issue!

According to some experts, thanks to modern technology nothing can be considered to be a waste. This is a concept that we should all respect and follow, because many of the valuable resources and non-renewable. People are well-aware that certain resources like paper, plastic and even water can be recycled. In fact, there are specialized companies that work in this field and they recycle such products on a daily basis and make them suitable for creation of brand new products. As a result of that, the need for mining new resources is reduced and so is the pollution caused by the process of production.

Today, we are witnessing a new type of waste that threatens our planet – electronic or e-waste. A huge number of ordinary people and experts believe that e-waste is important. But, do you know why E-waste Recycling is a Major Global Issue? Why there are so many people who are regularly recycling glass, paper, and plastics, but they are avoiding recycling computers, TVs, audio systems and other types of electronic devices and equipment? The fact is that recycling e-waste is equally important as recycling other materials. There are experts who claim that this type of recycling is even more important because e-waste has the worst effect on the environment which ultimately affects the health of all people.

People around the globe replace their electronic devices after 4 or 5 years and it seems that this trend is growing. This means that people tend to replace these tech gadgets and devices more frequently. So, what happens to the old and unused electronic devices that have become obsolete? If you care about the environment, you should find a good recycler specialized in e-waste recycling.
As previously mentioned, electronic devices and equipment are packed with useful materials like aluminum, copper, gold, and silver. The process of recycling allows separation of these materials and preparation for reuse. So, recycling makes extracting of materials from the soil obsolete and preserves the natural resources. Ten metric tons of computer electronic waste contains more gold compared to the amount of this precious metal extracted from 170 tons of gold ore.
Furthermore, e-waste recycling lowers the amount of greenhouse gas emissions. This is quite natural because the use of carefully recycled materials requires less energy compared to the use of pre-processed materials for the production of brand new products.

It is also worth mentioning that in addition to the useful materials found in these devices, there are many materials that can cause harm. Just a small quantity of these materials can lead to many negative consequences to the air, water, and soil around them. E-waste recycling is important for the world because it keeps these dangerous materials out of landfills.

In order to be sure that you have done everything you can to preserve the planet and process e-waste in the right way, you must use the services of the best recycling company in your area. Use the help of companies specialized in e-waste recycling in Anaheim

Monday 21 November 2016

Medical Equipment Management and Recycling

Modern medicine cannot provide these excellent results without medical equipment. Medical equipment is necessary for every diagnosis or treatment. This is the reason why medical equipment management is so important too. For those who didn’t know, medical equipment management includes related procedure and policies that govern activities like planning, selection, and acquisition of medical tools, devices and equipment via incoming acceptance, inspection, maintenance and retirement and disposal of medical devices and equipment. So, the process of medical equipment management is a complex process that follows the lifetime of every medical device. There are specialized companies that are providing medical equipment management services and they can take care of every stage of this process.

Truth be told, the initial stages of this process are not very difficult when it’s compared to the final stage –retirement and disposal of equipment. This is where many healthcare facilities need help. Namely, once their devices and pieces of equipment become damaged, broken or simply obsolete, they have a few options. Some of them are storing this equipment inside the healthcare facilities but in this way they are just using their valuable space for something that can’t be useful in the long run. They can certainly use some parts of this equipment as replacement parts, but the space they waste means that this practice is doing more harm than good. On the other hand, some healthcare facilities are considering throwing this equipment as ordinary waste. This practice is not only reckless, but it is also illegal in many states and counties. So, we can all agree that Medical Equipment Recycling is the only legal and effective solution.

Medical equipment recycling is the process of collecting and processing used obsolete medical equipment. There are professional companies involved in this process offering some great services. For instance, many of these companies provide free pick-up services. This means that they will send their team to the medical facility that needs to get rid of certain medical equipment and load it on site. They have specially designed vehicles capable of carrying such waste without breaking any regulations or laws. In the end, they are delivering Medical Equipment Disposal to the recycling plant.

Obviously, the process of recycling starts in the plant. This is the place where the qualified staff gets involved in recycling with the help of specific machines and tools. Recycling is all about separating useful from useless (and toxic) materials. So, in the first stage, the recyclers are extracting and separating useful materials from medical equipment like metals (copper, gold, silver etc.), plastic (if possible), glass etc. These recyclers are preparing the materials for reuse. After that, they are handling the useless, toxic elements. Since these elements can’t be used they are doing their best to store them in a safe and secure location where they can’t create risk for the population and the environment.

Medical Equipment Management and Recycling are serious activities that must be handled by true professionals. Since recycling is getting more popular than ever, you should be able to find good recyclers without any problems.  

Monday 14 November 2016

Ways to make the world a better place with proper medical recycling

If you take a close look at the things that are going on in the world of technology in the last 20 years, you will notice an incredible progress. Technology is evolving all the time and latest devices come with a myriad of features. This makes the old devices and pieces of equipment obsolete. Even though it is possible to upgrade existing devices, in most cases individuals and organizations must replace the old model with new ones. This is a trend in every area including healthcare. The fast progress in the field of technology has allowed many hospitals and other types of healthcare facilities to include brand new electronic devices for proper diagnosis and treatment. But, if they want to use these new electronic gadgets, they must find a solution for the old ones. According to most experts, medical recycling is an adequate solution. There are a huge number of things that make medical recycling so attractive and it is not just the space you’ll get after you remove the old gadgets and bring the new ones. In this article, we will analyze the ways to make the world a better place with proper medical recycling.

To start with, the process of medical recycling is all about the refurbishment of existing electronic devices and equipment and their basic elements/components, so you can rest assured that they will be used in the future too. In other words, by using Medical Equipment Recycling you are actually thinking about the future and the possible problems that future generations can face. If you are using medical recycling you are preventing and saving a significant amount of wastefulness and this is something that each of us should be interested in.

Recycling of medical equipment, especially of electronics, allows people to extract and treat some very useful metals like silver, gold, copper and palladium. They are used in almost every electronic device today. These metals are parts of wires, circuits, chips, plug etc. In addition to metals, the recycling process allows many other valuable materials to be prepared for reuse like plastics and glass for example. Just like metals, these materials are used in medical devices and equipment too.
Medical recycling can definitely lessen the need for landfill space. This is very important because landfill space can be used for many other more productive things. Imagine a picture in which acres of land is covered with dangerous (and valuable) materials. This is bad for the environment. While we are talking about the environment, we must mention that medical recycling also lowers the amount of emissions of toxic fumes in the environment.

Finally, the process of medical recycling performed in a proper way is very beneficial for the environment because in this way we are conserving the energy that is used for the production of new products in manufacturing plants.Proper medical recycling is required by the law, so take some time and find the right recycling company offering special medical recycling services.